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The environmental studies classes help the students develop their leadership skills through group projects and small class discussions.
1. ENV 101: Sustainable Communities
2. ENV 202: Human Values and the Environment
3. ENV 204: Geography of Garbage

Throughout my four years at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, I have taken classes in many different disciplines. Each department finds a different way to study leaders, and include leadership practice in the classroom.

The political science classes taught the students about different leaders in history and what made them successful or unsuccessful. 
1. POL 110: Introduction to American Politics
2. POL 333: Civil Rights
3. POL 201: Politics of Climate Change
There were other classes in other departments that taught me valuable things about being a leader.
1. My Environmental Ethics course taught me about what is valuable in this world and some obstacles faced in making change, while still trying to stay true to your ethics.
2. My Environmental Economics class taught me that there is more than one way to solve a problems, and it may require thinking outside the box.
3. Any my Debating Public Policy course gave me my first taste of public speaking, which I was able to develop through the HWS Leads program.  
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